I've just started learning Objective-C and made a little compass app that will display a direction when it falls into a range of headings. It works just fine, but I wonder if there is a more concise way of writing it using NSRange
. After a lot of looking, it seems like NSRange
is used more for string functions rather than numbers.
I tried to make an instance of NSRange
my starting point to make this more concise, I couldn't track down the function that would find if a number falls within an NSRange
Am I on the right track here, or am I making this more verbose than it needs to be?
Thanks in advance..
Here was my failed jumping off point for attempting to shorten up the code:
// If heading falls within this range, then display "S" for south
NSRange eastenRange = NSMakeRange (80, 100);
NSRange southernRange = NSMakeRange (170, 190);
Here is my current code (works fine):
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading *)newHeading
// Define and display the heading
NSNumber *theHeading = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[newHeading trueHeading]];
[headingLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@°", theHeading]];
// Define the range of directions
NSNumber *northLowerRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:10];
NSNumber *northUpperRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:350];
NSNumber *eastLowerRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:80];
NSNumber *eastUpperRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:100];
NSNumber *southLowerRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:170];
NSNumber *southUpperRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:190];
NSNumber *westLowerRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:260];
NSNumber *westUpperRange = [NSNumber numberWithInt:280];
// If the heading falls within the correct ranges, then display the direction
if ([northLowerRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedDescending || [northUpperRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedAscending)
[directionLabel setText:@"N"];
else if ([eastLowerRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedAscending && [eastUpperRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedDescending)
[directionLabel setText:@"E"];
else if ([southLowerRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedAscending && [southUpperRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedDescending)
[directionLabel setText:@"S"];
else if ([westLowerRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedAscending && [westUpperRange compare:theHeading] == NSOrderedDescending)
[directionLabel setText:@"W"];
[directionLabel setText:@"-"];
am I making this more verbose than it needs to be?
Yes. When you want to do numerical operations, avoid NSNumber. The NSNumber class exists only because Objective-C collections like NSArray, NSDictionary etc. can only hold Objective-C objects. Otherwise, you should always use plain int
or NSInteger
or CGFloat
or double
int heading = [newHeading trueHeading];
headingLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d°", heading];
if (10 < heading || heading > 350)
directionLabel.text = @"N";
else if (80 < heading && heading < 100)
directionLabel.text = @"E";
// and so on.
You don't need to use NSRange.