Search code examples

Count on case Oracle

WE have below data in oracle database -

col1 col2 
Z1     A
Z1     B
Z2     A
Z2     C
Z3     A   
Z4     D

I want count on column two in such a way that -

Ouput -

col2  count
A      3     (Z1,Z2,Z3)
B      0     (Dont count if A is already present for record)
C      0
D      1      (Z4)

Best Regards


  • Thanks Guys. But I could do this way -

    select  count(case
                when (LISTAGG(col2,'-') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col2)) like '%A%' then 1
                else null
            end) A,
                when (LISTAGG(col2,'-') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col2)) = 'B' then 1
                else null
            end) B,
                when (LISTAGG(col2,'-') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col2)) = 'C' then 1
                else null
            end)  C,
                when (LISTAGG(col2,'-') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col2)) = 'D' then 1
                else null
            end) D
    from T
    GROUP BY col1

    Thanks for your replies