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PHP \DOMDocument converts > to > and & to &

I send html to \DomDocument and \DomDocument convert all special characters.

how i could say to \DomDocument don't convert our special character between {% ..... %}

{% if &a > 10 %} converted to {% if &a > 10 %}


<!DOCTYPE html>
    {% if &a > 10 %}
        {% print &a %}
    {% end if %}
<img src="{%# image %}" >
    if a > 10


<!DOCTYPE html>
    {% if &amp;a &gt; 10 %}
        {% print &amp;a %}
    {% end if %}
<img src="%7B%# image %%7D" >
    if a > 10


$dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$content = '<!DOCTYPE html><body>
                    {% if &a > 10 %}
                        {% print &a %}
                    {% end if %}
                <img src="{%# image %}" >
                    if a > 10
echo $dom->saveHTML();


  • before send HTML to DOMDocument we should encode special data and after work of Dom ended decode data.

    encode code

    $dom = new DomDocument();
    $content = '<!DOCTYPE html>
                        {% if &a > 10 %}
                            {% print &a %}
                        {% end if %}
                    <img src="{%# image %}"><script>
                        if a > 10
    $tag_start = '(base64';
    $tag_end   = ')';
    // encode data
    $pattern = '/({%[^}]+})/ium';
    preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
    foreach($matches[0] as $key => $val){
        $base64 = $tag_start.base64_encode($val).$tag_end;
        $content = str_replace($val, $base64, $content);
    // echo $content;
    $domContent = $dom->saveHTML();


    <!DOCTYPE html>
                <img src="(base64eyUjIGltYWdlICV9)"><script>
                    if a > 10