If I try to use the Windows runas command from inside Cygwin the Enter password line prints to standard out but it doesn't wait for me to type my password into System.in
Is there a way around this?
I figured I could use 2 nested Command Prompt window pop-ups to run a password-changing script,
cygstart cmd /c "runas /user:DOMAIN\\USER \"powershell %cd%\\changepw.ps1\" & pause"
The changepw.ps1 script follows,
# http://serverfault.com/questions/570476/how-can-a-standard-windows-user-change-their-password-from-the-command-line
# cygstart cmd /c "runas /user:DOMAIN\\USER \"powershell %cd%\\changepw.ps1\" & pause"
param (
[string]$oldPassword = $( Read-Host "Old password"),
[string]$newPassword = $( Read-Host "New password")
$ADSystemInfo = New-Object -ComObject ADSystemInfo
$type = $ADSystemInfo.GetType()
$user = [ADSI] "LDAP://$($type.InvokeMember('UserName', 'GetProperty', $null, $ADSystemInfo, $null))"
try {
$user.ChangePassword($oldPassword, $newPassword)
} catch [Exception] {
# echo $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message
echo $_.Exception | format-list -force
write-host "Press any key to continue..."