I'm trying to build an A-Frame scene where a car drives by the user, and I need the sound of the car to start playing as the car starts moving. For example:
<a-collada-model id="car" src="#car-dae" position="-0.7 0 -100" rotation="0 90 0">
<a-animation attribute="position"
to="-0.7 0 20"
Can I put a sound component on the animation? If not, how should I go about having the sound play at the same time as the animation? I tried putting the sound component on the collada model and gave it a on:model-loaded
(same event as the animation), but this never played the sound. In fact, the only way I seem to be able to get the sound to play is using autoplay. Any ideas?
If it helps, all of my code is in this git repo under carChase.html
Did you try putting the sound component on the model, or as a child of it?
<a-collada-model src="#car-dae" sound="on: model-loaded; src: #car-sound">