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Play sound component with animation using A-Frame

I'm trying to build an A-Frame scene where a car drives by the user, and I need the sound of the car to start playing as the car starts moving. For example:

<a-collada-model id="car" src="#car-dae" position="-0.7 0 -100" rotation="0 90 0">
  <a-animation attribute="position"
         to="-0.7 0 20"

Can I put a sound component on the animation? If not, how should I go about having the sound play at the same time as the animation? I tried putting the sound component on the collada model and gave it a on:model-loaded (same event as the animation), but this never played the sound. In fact, the only way I seem to be able to get the sound to play is using autoplay. Any ideas?

If it helps, all of my code is in this git repo under carChase.html


  • Did you try putting the sound component on the model, or as a child of it?

    <a-collada-model src="#car-dae" sound="on: model-loaded; src: #car-sound">