I'm attempting an Angular app with a Grails backend, and I'm unit testing the controller, simply to see if it exist, before I start working with it. Unfortunately, it is giving me the following error:
[$controller:ctrlreg] The controller with the name 'SecurityController' is not registered.
Here's my unit testing code:
import angular from 'angular';
import 'angular-mocks';
import worldManagerApp from '../../src/world-manager-app';
import security from '../../src/security/security';
const {inject, module} = angular.mock;
describe('SecurityController', () => {
let $state;
let vm;
beforeEach(inject((_$state_, $controller) => {
$state = _$state_;
spyOn($state, 'go');
vm = $controller('SecurityController', {
it('should be registered', () => {
Here is the controller code:
function SecurityController(){
const vm = this;
vm.security = "secure";
export default SecurityController;
And here is the module code, for good measure:
import angular from 'angular';
import uiRouter from 'angular-ui-router';
import SecurityController from './securityController'
import SignUp from './services/signUpService';
import AuthenticationService from './services/authService'
const security = angular.module('security', [
export default security.name;
The security module is patched into my main app module, so I can provide that as well. I've read through a few resources regarding this, but nothing I've tried has been particularly helpful so far.
Thanks in advance!
should be
.controller('SecurityController', SecurityController)
.service('SignUp', SignUp)
.service('AuthenticationService', AuthenticationService);
You need to provide the name ov the controller/service, and then its implementation.