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How to include bootstrap mixins in a Angular2 webpack starter kit

From the base webpack-starter for angular2, I have added in ng2-boostrap by simply including in the index.html:

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

And in my app.module.ts I added a:

import { AlertModule, DatepickerModule } from 'ng2-bootstrap';

And then I see a nice Datepicker by adding a html snippet of

    <alert type="info">Hello from ng2-bootstrap  {{ date.toDateString() }}</alert>
<div style="display:inline-block; min-height:290px;">
  <datepicker [(ngModel)]="date" showWeeks="true"></datepicker>

to my home.component.html. And all seems great.

But then I created another component, all is good until I attempt to add a bit more scss of:

    .btn-facebook {
      @include button-variant($btnText, $btnFacebookBackgroundHighlight, $btnFacebookBackgroundHighlight);
    .btn-twitter {
      @include button-variant($btnText, $btnTwitterBackground, $btnTwitterBackgroundHighlight);
    .btn-google-plus {
      @include button-variant($btnText, $btnGooglePlusBackground, $btnGooglePlusBackgroundHighlight);
    .btn-github {
      @include button-variant($btnTextAlt, $btnGithubBackground, $btnGithubBackgroundHighlight);

Immediately I see:

Module build failed: 
@include button-variant($btnText, $btnFacebookBackgroundHighlight, $btnFacebookBackgroundHighlight);
  No mixin named button-variant

Being bring new to webpack and angular2, I am a bit clueless how to add these mixins to the build. You help is much appreciated.


  • In order to use bootstrap mixins inside your .scss files:

    1. You need to have bootstrap installed.
    npm install bootstrap
    1. You need to include the mixins file in your .scss file. Inside your .scss file:
    @import '~bootstrap/scss/_variables'
    @import '~bootstrap/scss/_utilities'
    @import '~bootstrap/scss/mixins/_buttons';
    @include button-variant(); // use it