I am wondering why I have been getting totally invalid computation by PHP all the time.
I have code like this:
echo floor((strtotime("2017-03-27") - strtotime("2017-03-24"))/86400);
which on the one of the server returns: 3
(like 3 days)
and on the another server returns: 2
! (2.9583333333333 day?) Why is there a variance?
Or, just use better methods:
EDIT I updated the code to use the same dates as OP. It returns 3, as it should, and I'm fairly confident it will do that on whatever server you put it on to test.
$date1 = date_create('2017-03-27');
$date2 = date_create('2017-03-24');
$interval = date_diff($date1,$date2);
echo $interval->format('%a');