While setting up an Azure DSC Extension for a VM in the Azure Portal (ARM) we find the form below. What goes in the highlighted text-field, what module is it asking me to specify? The xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module? That didn't work and I can't think of any other.
The entry must match the regular expression: "^[^\\]+\\[^\\]+$"
Hovering over the info button gives us: "Module defining the Configuration Function, and the Function in the format 'Module\Function'".
This is where you reference your configuration, so in your DSC file you have something like this in the file named MyDSC.ps1:
Configuration PythonConf1
And in that box you would have to input MyDSC.ps1\PythonCOnf1
. More information: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/virtual-machines-windows-extensions-dsc-overview#azure-portal-functionality