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Checkbox not applying check on load when using *ngFor in Angular 2

I have a dynamic list of checkBoxes that are built using *ngFor. The model updates just fine whenever I manually check the boxes, but if the model is preset to have a checked box, the box will not be checked on load.

<form action="demo_form.asp" method="get">
  <div *ngFor="let d of data; let in=index; trackBy:trackByIndex">
    <input type="checkbox" 

I've learned you need to us trackBy when using primitives within an ngFor so here is my trackByIndex:

public trackByIndex(index: number, data: TextValuePair): any {
   return index;

Here is the data:

public data = [{ text: "Human", value: true }, { text: "Dog", value: false }]

I need the checkboxes to be checked on load if an object in the list has value set to "true"


  • Found the problem. It is getting confused inside the <form>. Remove the <form> and you can simplify the code to this.

      <div *ngFor="let d of data">
        <input type="checkbox" 

    It should work