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Pivot table subtotals in Pandas

I have the following data:

Employee    Account Currency    Amount  Location
Test 2      Basic   USD         3000    Airport
Test 2      Net     USD         2000    Airport
Test 1      Basic   USD         4000    Town
Test 1      Net     USD         3000    Town
Test 3      Basic   GBP         5000    Town
Test 3      Net     GBP         4000    Town

I can manage to pivot by doing the following:

import pandas as pd
table = pd.pivot_table(df, values=['Amount'], index=['Location', 'Employee'], columns=['Account', 'Currency'], fill_value=0, aggfunc=np.sum, dropna=True)


Account            Basic         Net      
Currency             GBP   USD   GBP   USD
Location Employee                         
Airport  Test 2        0  3000     0  2000
Town     Test 1        0  4000     0  3000
         Test 3     5000     0  4000     0

How can I achieve subtotal by location and then a final grand total at the bottom. Desired output:

Account            Basic         Net      
Currency             GBP   USD   GBP   USD
Location Employee                         
Airport  Test 2        0  3000     0  2000
Airport  Total            3000     0  2000  
Town     Test 1        0  4000     0  3000
         Test 3     5000     0  4000     0
Town Total          5000  4000  4000  3000
Grand Total         5000  7000  4000  5000

I tried following the following. But it does not give the desired output. Thank you.


  • your pivot table

    table = pd.pivot_table(df, values=['Amount'],
                           index=['Location', 'Employee'],
                           columns=['Account', 'Currency'],
                           fill_value=0, aggfunc=np.sum, dropna=True, )
    Account            Basic         Net      
    Currency             GBP   USD   GBP   USD
    Location Employee                         
    Airport  Test 2        0  3000     0  2000
    Town     Test 1        0  4000     0  3000
             Test 3     5000     0  4000     0


        d.append(d.sum().rename((k, 'Total')))
        for k, d in table.groupby(level=0)
    ]).append(table.sum().rename(('Grand', 'Total')))
    Account            Basic         Net      
    Currency             GBP   USD   GBP   USD
    Location Employee                         
    Airport  2             0  3000     0  2000
             Total         0  3000     0  2000
    Town     1             0  4000     0  3000
             3          5000     0  4000     0
             Total      5000  4000  4000  3000
    Grand    Total      5000  7000  4000  5000

    Old Answer

    for posterity

    build sub totals

    tab_tots = table.groupby(level='Location').sum()
    tab_tots.index = [tab_tots.index, ['Total'] * len(tab_tots)]
    Account         Basic         Net      
    Currency          GBP   USD   GBP   USD
    Airport  Total      0  3000     0  2000
    Town     Total   5000  4000  4000  3000

    all together

        [table, tab_tots]
        table.sum().rename(('Grand', 'Total'))

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