I want to use 3 fragments within an Android App, I red: Creating-and-Using-Fragments .But I want to use the viewpager for swiping and displaying the fragments like explained in: ViewPager-with-FragmentPagerAdapter .But this code or the default code of Android Studio Example, use newInstance to create the instances, each time it is needed and destroy when not needed.
// Returns the fragment to display for that page
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
switch (position) {
case 0: // Fragment # 0 - This will show FirstFragment
return FirstFragment.newInstance(0, "Page # 1");
case 1: // Fragment # 0 - This will show FirstFragment different title
return FirstFragment.newInstance(1, "Page # 2");
case 2: // Fragment # 1 - This will show SecondFragment
return SecondFragment.newInstance(2, "Page # 3");
return null;
but I want to create once for all :
// Within an activity
private FragmentA fragmentA;
private FragmentB fragmentB;
private FragmentC fragmentC;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
fragmentA = FragmentA.newInstance("foo");
fragmentB = FragmentB.newInstance("bar");
fragmentC = FragmentC.newInstance("baz");
and only hide/show them, as in the example:
// ...onCreate stays the same
// Replace the switch method
protected void displayFragmentA() {
FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
if (fragmentA.isAdded()) { // if the fragment is already in container
} else { // fragment needs to be added to frame container
ft.add(R.id.flContainer, fragmentA, "A");
// Hide fragment B
if (fragmentB.isAdded()) { ft.hide(fragmentB); }
// Hide fragment C
if (fragmentC.isAdded()) { ft.hide(fragmentC); }
// Commit changes
But how to do that with a FragmentPagerAdapter public Fragment getItem(int position) no longer has to be like that
Also, how to access a data
public double [][] tableaux;
that is in the MainActivity from one Fragment. Data will be persistant if I assign a pointer of the Fragment I just created in the MainActivity onCreate to point on the MainActivity.tableaux
You can return you pre-initialized fragments in getItem
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
switch (position) {
case 0: return fragmentA;
case 1: return fragmentB;
case 2: return fragmentC;
default: return null;
UPDATE: @Alok is right. You should not have fragment references
in Activity
. And I suggest instead of increasing offscreen page limit using setOffscreenPageLimit
, you should consider saving & restoring fragment
states using public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)
and savedInstanceState
argument of public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)