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What is the "accept" part for?

When connecting to a website using Net::HTTP you can parse the URL and output each of the URL headers by using #.each_header. I understand what the encoding and the user agent and such means, but not what the "accept"=>["*/*"] part is. Is this the accepted payload? Or is it something else?

require 'net/http'

uri = URI('')>
http_request =
http_request.each_header { |header| puts header }

# => {"accept-encoding"=>["gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3"], "accept"=>["*/*"], "user-agent"=>["Ruby"], "host"=>[""]}


  • From

    This field contains a semicolon-separated list of representation schemes ( Content-Type metainformation values) which will be accepted in the response to this request.

    Basically, it specifies what kinds of content you can read back. If you write an api client, you may only be interested in application/json, for example (and you couldn't care less about text/html).

    In this case, your header would look like this:

    Accept: application/json

    And the app will know not to send any html your way.