Consider the case:
class T[A0, B0](val a: A0, val b: B0)
class A
class B(val a: A) {
b =>
implicit def t: T[a.type, b.type] = new T(a, b)
val b = new B(new A)
val t1 = implicitly[T[b.a.type, b.type]]// can't compile, I want t1 = b.t
How to enable implicit conversion of singleton type parameter?
Consider the trade-off:
class T[A0, B0, H0](val a: A0, val b: B0)
class A
class B(val a: A) {
b =>
class H
object H{
implicit def t: T[a.type, b.type, b.H] = new T(a, b)
val a = new A
val b = new B(a)
val t1 = implicitly[T[b.a.type, b.type, b.H]]
That works, but looks ugly. Is there any good method?
We can just add import b._
class T[A0, B0](val a: A0, val b: B0)
class A
class B(val a: A) {
b =>
implicit def t: T[a.type, b.type] = new T(a, b)
val b = new B(new A)
import b._
val t1 = implicitly[T[b.a.type, b.type]]