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TPL/PHP: Checkbox checked on page load

I need the page to bring this option checked by default in loading the page, but even putting the same check comes in white.

Note that the other field, has a similar structure and comes checked when loading the page.

        <input type="checkbox" name="optInventory" 
        {if $gui->projectOptions->inventoryEnabled} checked="checked"  {/if} />

This is checked by default when loading the page:

        <input type="checkbox" name="is_public" {if $gui->is_public eq 1} checked="checked"  {/if} />



  • Output the option value to see if it is really what you expect. Also, I think that Smarty (at least some older versions) don't allow multiple use of -> in an expression. Try to first assign the options to a template variable and then use that in your checkbox:

    {assign var=opts value=$gui->projectOptions}
    <input type="checkbox" {if $opts->inventoryEnabled}checked="checked"{/if} />