I am using the Yocto Project, Jethro release. However, I think this question applies to other releases as well.
I need to modify the image creation process. I have read the BitBake manual, but I still don't know how a full python script or several scripts are included.
Here is what I have found so far:
bitbake core-image-mininmal
After bitbake reads all the config files and parses bblayers.conf, it searches all the layer directories for the recipe core-image-minimal.bb
In core-image-minimal.bb, we have:
inherit core-image
This inherits the class core-image.bbclass which in turn inherits image.bbclass which contains the bitbake code:
fakeroot python do_rootfs () {
from oe.rootfs import create_rootfs
from oe.image import create_image
from oe.manifest import create_manifest
# generate the initial manifest
# generate rootfs
# generate final images
Searching the source tree for the text create_image, I found the following in image.py:
def create_image(d):
and also:
def create(self):
bb.note("###### Generate images #######")
pre_process_cmds = self.d.getVar("IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND", True)
post_process_cmds = self.d.getVar("IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND", True)
I've also created my own class my-class.bbclass and put the following in it:
fakeroot python do_rootfs_prepend () {
print("==> do_rootfs_prepend")
fakeroot python do_rootfs_append () {
print("==> do_rootfs_append")
and I see the messages in the log file, so I know this is working to add my python code to the do_rootfs function in image.bbclass.
However, I would still like to know how image.py and a whole bunch of other *.py files are included (e.g. rootfs.py) from the poky/meta/lib/oe directory.
First, note that rootfs/image code has been refactored quite a bit after the Jethro release: the last releases do not have some of the functions referred to in your example.
There's no Yocto-specific magic in the library function usage: they are used via standard python module import, just with meta/lib/ in the module search path, e.g.
from oe.image import create_image
will make the create_image()
function from meta/lib/oe/image.py available in the current scope.