I have in my C++ program unsigned char array of hex values:
unsigned char buff[] = {0x03, 0x35, 0x6B};
And I would like to calculate the size of this array so that I can send it on UART port linux using this function:
if ((count = write(file,buff,length))<0)
perror("FAIL to write on exit\n");
as I can see the length is int number, and buff is an array which can change size during program execution. can anyone help me how to write it. Thanks
You can do this with an array:
size_t size = sizeof array;
with your example that give:
ssize_t count = write(file, buff, sizeof buff);
if (count < 0 || (size_t)count != sizeof buff) {
perror("FAIL to write on exit\n");
Note: I use C semantic because write is from lib C.
In C++, you can use template to be sure that you use sizeof
with an array.
template<typename T, size_t s>
size_t array_sizeof(T (&array)[s]) {
return sizeof array;
with your example that give:
ssize_t count = write(file, buff, array_sizeof(buff));
if (count < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(count) != array_sizeof(buff)) {
perror("FAIL to write on exit\n");