My switch case allows me to find the values which match one of a list of values
I need to extend this code/logic so that I can collect all consecutive keys starting from the first occurring C or D until the element before the second occurring C or D.
Here is what I would like to do:
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
switch($value) {
case "C":
case "D":
// Store all keys from "C" until I come across a second value "C" or "D"
Here is an example:
$array =
[53] => q
[61] => f
[74] => s
[87] => C
[19] => D
[101] => e
[22] => C
[13] => h
Result: "87 19 101"
This is a weird logic, but this should work:
//Triggers are the flags that trigger opening or close of filters
$triggers = array('C', 'D');
$filtered = [];
$stack = [];
foreach($array as $k => $v) {
//If the trigger is opened and I see it again, break the loop
if (in_array($v, $stack)) {
//If we sees the trigger OR the stack is not empty (we are opened)
//continuously pull the keys out
if (in_array($v, $triggers) || !empty($stack)) {
$stack[] = $v;
$filtered[] = $k;
The output for this is
[0] => 87
[1] => 19
[2] => 101