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How to show the exact number of clustered markers on google map?

I am using below code for marker clustering (for generating cluster icon with buckets) using Google map sdk,

   id<GMUClusterIconGenerator> iconGenerator = [[GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator alloc]initWithBuckets:@[@10,@50,@100,@500] backgroundImages:@[cluster1,cluster2,cluster3,cluster4]];

It is clustering markers properly but It is showing 10+ or 50+ numbers on map. For example, If number of markers are 35 then it is displaying 10+ on map, when number of markers exceeds 50 then it is displaying 50+ etc.(refer attached screenshot below). I want to display exact number of markers on cluster Image on map!! I mean if number of markers are 36 then i want 36 instead of 10+. If any one can help!

Screenshot :

enter image description here

Reference : marker-clustering!!


  • We can manage it by changing one method of GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator class.

    In GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator.m replace below method,

     - (UIImage *)iconForSize:(NSUInteger)size {
        NSUInteger bucketIndex = [self bucketIndexForSize:size];
        NSString *text;
        // If size is smaller to first bucket size, use the size as is otherwise round it down to the
        // nearest bucket to limit the number of cluster icons we need to generate.
        if (size < _buckets[0].unsignedLongValue) {
        text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)size];
        } else {
        text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld+", _buckets[bucketIndex].unsignedLongValue];
       if (_backgroundImages != nil) {
        UIImage *image = _backgroundImages[bucketIndex];
        return [self iconForText:text withBaseImage:image];
         return [self iconForText:text withBucketIndex:bucketIndex];


     - (UIImage *)iconForSize:(NSUInteger)size {
        NSUInteger bucketIndex = [self bucketIndexForSize:size];
        NSString *text;
        // If size is smaller to first bucket size, use the size as is otherwise round it down to the
       // nearest bucket to limit the number of cluster icons we need to generate.
       if (size < _buckets[0].unsignedLongValue) {
         text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)size];
        text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (unsigned long)size];
      if (_backgroundImages != nil) {
        UIImage *image = _backgroundImages[bucketIndex];
        return [self iconForText:text withBaseImage:image];
      return [self iconForText:text withBucketIndex:bucketIndex];

    What i have done is, I have just change else portion and set text as exact number instead of string with +!