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Tiles 3 how to reference another definition in put-attribute

I'd like to be able to define a base definition, where I can inherit a list of styles and scripts. then define a page definition that inherits base definition, and adds page specific styles and scripts. Is this possible -or am I not thinking about this in the right way? I would have thought this to be a fairly basic idea.

base definitions

    <!-- base styles -->
    <definition name="base.styles" >
        <put-list-attribute name="styles" cascade="true" >
            <add-attribute value="/view/common/jquery-ui-theme-base-v1.12.1.css" />
    <!-- base scripts -->
    <definition name="base.scripts" >
        <put-list-attribute name="scripts" cascade="true" >
            <add-attribute value="" />
            <add-attribute value="" />
    <!-- base definition -->
    <definition name="base.definition" template="/WEB-INF/page/defaultLayout.jsp" >
        <put-attribute name="title" />
        <put-attribute name="styles" value="base.styles.styles" cascade="true" />
        <put-attribute name="header" value="/WEB-INF/page/common/header.jsp" />
        <put-attribute name="body" />
        <put-attribute name="scripts" value="base.scripts.scripts" cascade="true" />
        <put-attribute name="footer" value="/WEB-INF/page/common/footer.jsp" />

note the values of the put-attribute match the names of the definitions above them. (my guess is this isn't correct)

page specific definitions

    <!-- page specific styles -->
    <definition name="samplePage.styles" extends="base.styles" >
        <put-list-attribute name="styles" inherit="true" >
            <add-attribute value="/view/page/samplePage/samplePageStyles.css" />
    <!-- page specific scripts -->
    <definition name="samplePage.scripts" extends="base.scripts" >
        <put-list-attribute name="scripts" inherit="true" >
            <add-attribute value="/view/page/samplePage/samplePageScript.js" />
    <!-- page specific definition -->
    <definition name="samplePage" extends="base.definition" >
        <put-attribute name="title" value="Sample Page" />
        <put-attribute name="styles" value="samplePage.styles" cascade="true" />
        <put-attribute name="body" value="/WEB-INF/page/samplePage/samplePageBody" />
        <put-attribute name="scripts" value="samplePage.scripts" cascade="true" />

again -note the values of the put-attribute match the names of the definitions above them. (probably not correct?)

I'm currently getting an IllegalArgumentException

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert samplePage.styles of type class java.lang.String to class org.apache.tiles.Attribute
at com.sun.el.lang.ELSupport.coerceToType(
at com.sun.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl.coerceToType(
... 104 more

It appears as if the put-attributes for the styles and scripts are not picking up the definitions of the same name above them... but I'm not sure what to do to correct it. Any ideas?


  • To answer the question how to reference another definition in put-attribute, this appears to be fairly easy with jsp components such as the following (note the definition, and the 'type' attribute):

    <definition name="default.header" template="/WEB-INF/page/common/header.jsp" />

    ... then elsewhere...

    <put-attribute name="header" type="definition" value="default.header" />

    However, it doesn't look like this can be done with resources such as stylesheets and scripts, as they don't translate back to an actual template. So, I reworked my base-definition as follows, which still allows me to have 'global' resources, as well as 'page-specific' resources. Also allows me to write the jsp components once, define them once, and reference them many times.

    common definitions (tiles.common.xml)

        <definition name="default.header" template="/WEB-INF/page/common/header.jsp" />
        <definition name="default.footer" template="/WEB-INF/page/common/footer.jsp" />
        [... all the other common components...]

    base definition (tiles.base.xml)

        <definition name="base.definition" template="/WEB-INF/page/baseLayout.jsp" >
            <put-attribute name="title" type="string" />
            <put-attribute name="header" type="definition" value="default.header" />
            <put-attribute name="body" />
            <put-attribute name="footer" type="definition" value="default.footer" />
            <put-list-attribute name="styles" inherit="true" >
                <add-attribute value="/view/common/jquery-ui-theme-base-v1.12.1.css" />
                [... other styles common to all pages...]
            <put-list-attribute name="scripts" inherit="true" >
                <add-attribute value="" />
                <add-attribute value="" />
                [... other scripts common to all pages...]

    page specific definition (tiles.samplePage.xml)

        <definition name="samplePage" extends="base.definition" >
            <put-attribute name="title" value="Sample Page" />
            <put-attribute name="body" value="/WEB-INF/page/samplePage.jsp" />
            <put-list-attribute name="styles" inherit="true" >
                <add-attribute value="/view/pages/samplePage.css" />
                [... other page specific styles ...]
            <put-list-attribute name="scripts" inherit="true" >
                <add-attribute value="/view/pages/samplePage.js" />
                [... other page specific scripts ...]