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basename on buffer goes into segmentation fault

I'm tweaking with basename right now and I encounter a case really weird (at least for me). Here's the code:

char buffer[300];
char* p;

strcpy(buffer, "../src/test/resources/constraints_0020_000");
printf("%d\n", strcmp(basename("../src/test/resources/constraints_0020_000"), "constraints_0020_000")); //works as expected
printf("assert testBasename02");
printf("%d\n", strcmp(basename(buffer), "constraints_0020_000") == 0);
printf("done 1\n"); //goes in segmentation fault
printf("%d\n", strcmp(basename(&buffer), "constraints_0020_000") == 0);
printf("done 2\n"); //goes in segmentation fault
printf("%d\n", strcmp(basename(&buffer[0]), "constraints_0020_000") == 0);
printf("done 3\n"); //goes in segmentation fault
p = malloc(strlen("../src/test/resources/constraints_0020_000") +1);
strcpy(p, "../src/test/resources/constraints_0020_000");
printf("%d\n", strcmp(basename(p), "constraints_0020_000") == 0); //works as expected
printf("all done\n");

The first strcmp works totally as excepted; it is the second one that puzzles me: why a buffer would go in segmentation fault? I tried to code the buffer all in different ways but the result is the same.

I can of course live with this behaviour but... I don't really understand what is the difference for basename if i feed him a const char* or a buffer (that in the end is also a char*).

Is there a document that explain this behaviour? Is it just me? I tried to look for explanations but I couldn't find any.

Here the specification of my computer (if you need them):

  • OS system: Ubuntu 16.4 (64 bit virtualized on Windows 10 64-bit);
  • CPU (not that I think is useful): Intel® Core™ i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz × 2;


  • According to the man page,


    In the glibc implementation of the POSIX versions of these functions they modify their argument, and segfault when called with a static string like "/usr/". [...]



    invokes invokes undefined behavior as this is an attempt to modify the string literal.

    Note: As mentioned in the man page, there's a change of words needed. Read it like,

    In the glibc implementation of the POSIX versions of these functions they modify their argument, and invokes undefined behavior when called with a static string like "/usr/". [...]

    A segmentation fault is one of the side effects of UB, but not the only one.

    FWIW, attempt to modify a string literal itself invokes the UB. Quoting C11, chapter §6.4.5, String literals

    [...] If the program attempts to modify such an array, the behavior is undefined.


    As discussed in follow up comments, an additional problem was missing header file. You need to have

      #include <libgen.h>

    added so as to get the forward declaration of the function basename() available.