Wanting to learn more about Mac's Image Events I am trying to learn how to save a file from one type into another type. For example, if I have a BMP image named foobar.bmp
I wanted to learn how to save it out as foobar.jpg
but in my handler I get an error:
Image Events got an error: Can’t get «class asDB» id (application "Image Events") of image "foobar.bmp".
My code inside my handler:
tell application "Finder"
set directory to (choose folder with prompt "Please select a directory.")
set someImages to (files of folder directory where name extension is "bmp") as alias list
repeat with someImage in someImages
tell application "Image Events"
set workingImage to open someImage
save workingImage as JPEG in directory
close workingImage
end tell
end repeat
end tell
I did test to see if the save
may need the POSIX Path instead of the Alias Path with:
set directoryPosix to (POSIX path of directory)
and changed the save
save workingImage as JPEG in directoryPosix
but I am still producing the same error and I dont understand why. The code works but just throws an error and after searching I am unable to find a resolution. I already know how to do this with Bash using ImageMagick and I could do this using AppleScript and SIPs but I would like to learn more about Image Events. What am I doing wrong to throw the error? If it helps my OS is up-to-date and running Yosemite version 10.10.5.
You need to specify the full (HFS or POSIX) path of the new file rather than the alias
specifier to the destination folder:
set directory to (choose folder with prompt "Please select a directory.") as text
tell application "Finder" to set someImages to (files of folder directory where name extension is "bmp") as alias list
tell application "Image Events"
repeat with someImage in someImages
set workingImage to open someImage
set fileName to name of workingImage
set newFilePath to directory & text 1 thru -4 of fileName & "jpg"
save workingImage as JPEG in newFilePath
close workingImage
end repeat
end tell