I'm working with a async Task function in my viewDidLoad, by the returned response I'm changing the view (colors, text...), but I have "errors":
sometimes when I change view and I come back to the view, I don't get my view background in orange, but I get it in Green (the green is returned after the response of the asynctask function) so it's not normal when I come back to the view it have to reload it...
sometimes the view still in a orange background, but the function is already passed...
self.lblUpdate.text = "Mise à jour des nouveaux paramètres en cours..."
self.viewUpdate.backgroundColor = UIColor.orange
self.hideUpdateConstraint.isActive = false
self.updateTopConstraint.isActive = true
self.updateBottomConstraint.isActive = true
if Reachability.isConnectedToNetwork() == true {
self.updateDown = true
Reachability.checkUrl(urlString:Configuration.MyVariables.url, finished: { isSuccess in
if isSuccess == true {
self.lblUpdate.text = "Les nouveaux paramètres (taux, durée, montant...) ont été mis à jour."
self.viewUpdate.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 151/255, green: 232/255, blue: 84/255, alpha: 1.0)
print("ok c bon")
self.updateDown = false
} else {
self.updateDown = true
self.lblUpdate.text = "Les nouveaux paramètres (taux, durée, montant...) n'ont pas pu être mis à jour car notre service est actuellement indisponible."
self.viewUpdate.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
} else {
updateDown = true
self.lblUpdate.text = "Les nouveaux paramètres (taux, durée, montant...) n'ont pas pu être mis à jour car vous ne disposez pas d'une connexion internet."
self.viewUpdate.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
self.hideUpdateConstraint.isActive = true
self.updateTopConstraint.isActive = false
self.updateBottomConstraint.isActive = false
self.hideUpdateConstraint.constant = 20
self.viewUpdate.isHidden = true
view.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(SimulationViewController.handleTap(_:))))
Short suggestion. Try to override "viewDidAppear" function instead of "viewDidLoad". "viewDidAppear" should be triggered before view changes. "viewDidload" only triggered on views first load.
override func viewDidAppear() {
//Enter your code here