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add two custom sprites into a scene,why do these sprites' methods will effect each other,anyone can find the mistake in my code? thanks

this is custom sprite class named BackGround

#import "BackGround.h"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
id move02;
double roadX;
@implementation BackGround

+ (instancetype)initWithPicture: (NSString *) pic
    return [[self alloc] init:pic];

-(id) init: (NSString *) pic
    if(self = [super init])
        CCSpriteFrameCache* spriteFrameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
        CCSpriteFrame * bgSpriteFrame = [spriteFrameCache spriteFrameByName:pic];
        self = [BackGround spriteWithSpriteFrame:bgSpriteFrame];
        self.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
        roadX = -(self.contentSize.width-1)*2;
        self.position = ccp((-roadX/2), 0);
        id move01 = [CCActionMoveBy actionWithDuration:10.0f position:ccp(roadX,0.0)];
        move02 = [CCActionRepeatForever actionWithAction:move01];
        [self runAction:move02];
    return self;

    [self stopAllActions];
    id move = [CCActionSpeed actionWithAction:move02 speed:2];
    [self runAction:move];

    [self stopAllActions];
    [self runAction:move02];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------


this is scene class code

    #import "_256Deathes.h"
    #import "IntroScene.h"
    #import "BackGround.h"
    #import "cocos2d.h"
    #import "Person.h"
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Person * personA;

    @implementation _256Deathes
    - (instancetype)init
            if ((self = [super init]))
              NSAssert(self, @"Whoops");
                self.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
                CCSpriteFrameCache* spriteFrameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
                [spriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"256Deathes.plist"];
                BackGround * bgSprite01 = [BackGround initWithPicture:@"earthA.png"];
                bgSprite01.position = ccp(0, 0);
                [self addChild:bgSprite01 z:0 name:@"bgSpriteA"];
                BackGround * bgSprite02 = [BackGround initWithPicture:@"earthA.png"];
                [self addChild:bgSprite02 z:1 name:@"bgSpriteB"];
        return self;

- (void)onEnter
    // always call super onEnter first
    [super onEnter];
    [self schedule:@selector(updateSprite) interval:0.02];

    -(void)touchBegan:(CCTouch *)touch withEvent:(CCTouchEvent *)event
                    BackGround *spriteA = (BackGround *)[self getChildByName:@"bgSpriteA" recursively:NO];
                    BackGround *spriteB = (BackGround *)[self getChildByName:@"bgSpriteB" recursively:NO];
                    [spriteA bgWhenRun];
                    [spriteB bgWhenRun];

    -(void)touchEnded:(CCTouch *)touch withEvent:(CCTouchEvent *)event
            BackGround *sprite;
            for(sprite in [self children])
                if([  containsString:@"bgSprite"])
                    [sprite bgWhenWalk];

    -(void) updateSprite
        [self updateBackGround01];

    -(void) updateBackGround01
        BackGround *sprite;
        for(sprite in [self children])
            if([  containsString:@"bgSprite"])
                double nextX = sprite.contentSize.width-3;
                if(sprite.position.x <= (-nextX))
                    sprite.position = ccp(nextX, 0);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------


when i touch begin or touch end, spriteA will stop moving, after i tried some times, i found [self stopAllActions] in methods named bgWhenRun and bgWhenWalk can make spriteA and spriteB effect each other. anyone can find out the mistakes in the code then tell me?i have tried many times,now i really have no idea. thank you!


  • These two sprites effect each other because both are using same instance of variables id move02 and double roadX as being global ones. Declare them within scope of BackGround class i.e. as member variables of that class.