Search code examples

Sort taxonomy terms table in the admin by custom sort field

I am trying to sort my taxonomy terms table by a custom field in Wordpress. But I am missing something.

I have a custom taxonomy. Let’s call it education in this example. I added a field sort-order and save a value to that field using update_term_meta(). This works.

Next I added a column to the admin table for the taxonomy:

// Add the column to the table with terms
add_filter('manage_edit-education_columns', array( $this, 'addSortOrderColumn' ));

function addSortOrderColumn( $columns ){

    $columnsBefore = array_slice( $columns, 0, 2, true); // NOTE: First column is the checkbox
    $columnsAfter = array_slice( $columns, 2, count( $columns ), true);
    $columnsInsert = array('sort-order' => ‘Sort’ );

    $columns = array_merge($columnsBefore, $columnsInsert, $columnsAfter);

    return $columns;

// Display the contents for the column
add_filter('manage_education_custom_column',array( $this, 'addSortOrderColumnContent'), 10, 3 );

function addSortOrderColumnContent( $content, $columnName, $termId ){

    if( $columnName !== 'sort-order' ){
        return $content;        
    $termId = absint( $termId );
    $order = get_term_meta( $termId, 'sort-order', true );

    if( !empty( $order ) ){
        $content .= esc_attr( $order );

    return $content;


// Make the column sortable
add_filter( 'manage_edit-education_sortable_columns', array( $this, 'makeSortOrderColumnSortable' ));

function makeSortOrderColumnSortable( $sortable ){
    $sortable[ 'sort-order' ] = 'sort-order';
    return $sortable;

I see the column, I can click its header and it flips the table rows on click ( a c z e <-> e z c a ), but it does not sort it based on the contents.

What do I need to add to make the sorting aware of the column contents?


  • You need to tweak the underlying sql that the get_terms function runs to retrieve the taxonomy terms list. It defaults to the term name, clicking & changing the sort will change the orderby=xxx in the url, but will flow through the switch statement in the code and return to the default. The way to do it is through the terms_clauses filter:

    add_filter( 'terms_clauses', 'filter_terms_clauses', 10, 3 );
     * Filter WP_Term_Query meta query
     * @param   object  $query  WP_Term_Query
     * @return  object
    function filter_terms_clauses( $pieces, $taxonomies, $args ) {
        global $pagenow, $wpdb; 
        // Require ordering
        $orderby = ( isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) ) ? trim( sanitize_text_field( $_GET['orderby'] ) ) : ''; 
        if ( empty( $orderby ) ) { return $pieces; }
        // set taxonomy
        $taxonomy = $taxonomies[0];
        // only if current taxonomy or edit page in admin           
        if ( !is_admin() || $pagenow !== 'edit-tags.php' || !in_array( $taxonomy, [ 'education' ] ) ) { return $pieces; }
        // and ordering matches
        if ( $orderby === 'sort-order' ) {
            $pieces['join']  .= ' INNER JOIN ' . $wpdb->termmeta . ' AS tm ON t.term_id = tm.term_id ';
            $pieces['where'] .= ' AND tm.meta_key = "sort-order"'; 
            $pieces['orderby']  = ' ORDER BY tm.meta_value '; 
        return $pieces;

    The WP_Term_Query is only from WP4.6 so this functionality is pretty fresh.