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How to bind custom object to spinner layout using databinding library?

I wish to bind my object to spinner row layout by android databinding library. Post 1 and Post 2 not explained how I can use databinding and how to bind multiple fields (not only one string) of data object.

My data object looks like:

class Data{
    public final String imageUri;
    public final String title;
    public final int totalCount;

Layout I wish looks as:

<!-- horisontal orientation -->
    <!-- Icon -->

    <!-- Title -->

    <!-- TotalCount -->

and how it bind I don't know...


  • You have to wrap your entire layout in layout tag to use Data Binding.This way you can assign the Model to your View So this should be your layout.

         <variable name="data" type="your.packagename.Data">
       <!-- horisontal orientation -->
         <!-- Icon -->
         <!-- Title -->
         <!-- TotalCount -->

    Lets assume your are using Activity to show the Spinner & your layout name is custom_spinner.xml . Then here is how you set the data to layout. After setting the Spinner Adapter, here is what you need to do

    Data data; // Data object
    CustomSpinnerBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(R.layout.custom_spinner);

    This should be your custom Adapter

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        CustomSpinnerBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(R.layout.custom_spinner);
        binding.setData(dataList.get(position)); // you should pass dataList as an argument in Custom Adapter constructor