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Postgres crosstab and aggregate together

I have a table purchases like this:

     1     | 2016-02-04  | 17
     2     | 2016-02-04  | 19
     3     | 2016-02-04  | 17
     ... About 1 million entries

and a table products like this:

   ... About 30 entries

I'd like to do a crosstab query to give me the total number of purchases on date, pivoted over each product_id, like this:

   2016-02-04 |   2         |  0          |  1          | ...
   2016-02-05 | ...

Note that the values in this table are not taken from any record, but the sum of the number of records that match. I believe this is possible using crosstab along with aggregates, but haven't been able to figure out how to do it.

  1. Can this be done using Postgres?
  2. Is crosstab the right way to do it?
  3. How?

What's unique here is that I am trying to:

  • Do a crosstab
  • Do an aggregate
  • At the same time

Note that the other questions on Stack Overflow discussing Crosstab do not explain how to do a Crosstab and aggregate together.


  • With following as sample


     create table prods(purchase_id int,purchase_date date,product_id int);


     insert into prods values (1,'2016-02-04',17);
     insert into prods values (2,'2016-02-04',19);
     insert into prods values (3,'2016-02-04',17);
     insert into prods values (4,'2016-02-05',17);
     insert into prods values (5,'2016-02-05',17);

    To get the desired output you can use crosstab()-

    select *
    from crosstab('
     select purchase_date
    from    prods
    group by purchase_date
    order by purchase_date
    ') as t("purchase_date" date
            ,"product_id_17" int
            ,"product_id_19" int


    purchase_date product_id_17 product_id_19 
    ------------- ------------- ------------- 
    2016-02-04    2             1             
    2016-02-05    2             NULL