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Remove google places icons

How can i remove google places marks? As shown below, that are markers that i didn't placed on the map (marked in blue). BTW, it is possible to use google place's markers instead of my own custom marker (marked in red).

Thank you in advance


  • How can i remove google places marks?

    If you have added your custom marker, yes you can delete it. But if you are asking about google map default tiles(bus,restaurent etc), no you can't delete those. reference

    Update after September 2016

    yes now you can remove those icons, see this issue.

    please check

    you need to set map style off GoogleMap

                            this, R.raw.style_json));

    your style_json will look like this

            "featureType": "",
            "elementType": "all",
            "stylers": [
                "visibility": "off"

    Here is the full demo which explains everything