I am really newbie to Ruby. I understand the language, but it is really hard for me to get the right way to structure project, there are a lot of articles and tutorials suggest running not with simple ruby
command but for example rackup
. I cannot get an idea of using other commands if my app using multiple gems, there are used as a wrappers ?
As for my project. I am creating simple API with Sinatra
& Rack & Sidekiq
, I am starting my app as follows.
rackup -p1600 --host config.ru
But I've just started using sidekiq
and it required Redis server
I've installed it, now everything works no errors.
But the problem is that my task is not being processed.
Here is my example
My endpoint
post '/items' do
item_url = params[:item_url]
halt(400, {error: 'Item url is not provided'}.to_json) if item_url.nil?
item_handler = ItemHandler.new item_url
rescue APIErrors::AlreadyExistsError => e
halt(409, {error: e.message}.to_json)
rescue APIErrors::InvalidPayloadError => e
halt(400, {error: e.message}.to_json)
And my ItemHandler
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.redis = {password: 'password'}
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
config.redis = {password: 'password'}
class ItemHandler
def start_processing
And finnally ItemWorker
require 'sidekiq'
class ItemWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
attr_accessor :item
def perform(id)
# Get item model
@item = ItemModel.where(_id: id)
logger.info "Doing hard work"
puts @item.status
# Start item processing
def process_item
logger.info "Doing hard work"
puts 'Start processing'
@item.status = ItemModel::STATUS[:downloading]
result = download_item_file
if result > RESULT_OK
@item.status = ItemModel::STATUS[:failed_download]
puts 'Failed to download file'
puts 'File downloaded'
@item.status = ItemModel::STATUS[:downloaded]
def download_item_file
return if @item.nil?
dl_command = EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD.dup
dl_command['|url|'] = @item.url
system dl_command
And nothing happens, no output in console, nothing. Previously I've use fork
instead of sidekiq
and it worked fine.
Please help me to find the problem.
P.S. If I am doing something other in a wrong way (don't follow best practices & guidelines) please let me know.
Here is a complete example app using sidekiq/redis
and sinatra
~/sinatra_projects$ tree myapp/
├── config.ru
├── item_handler.rb
├── item_worker.rb
└── sinatra_app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require_relative 'item_handler' #=>look for item_handler.rb in the same directory as this file
get '/' do
"hello world"
post '/item' do
puts "--->#{params[:item_url]}<---"
item_handler = ItemHandler.new params[:item_url]
"Thanks for the work\n"
require_relative 'item_worker' #look for item_worker.rb in the same directory as this file
class ItemHandler
def initialize(url)
@url = url
def start_processing
ItemWorker.perform_async @url
require 'sidekiq'
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
#Not much documentation on what you can/should do in here
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
#Not much documentation on what you can/should do in here
class ItemWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(url)
logger.info "Things are happening"
case url
when /joe_blow.com/
sleep 5
logger.info "joe_blow.com took a really long time"
when /twitter_clone.com/
sleep 3
logger.info "twitter_clone.com was pretty slow"
else /google.com/
sleep 1
logger.info "google.com response was the quickest"
require_relative 'sinatra_app' #=>look for sinatra_app.rb in the same directory as this file
run Sinatra::Application
To get things up and running:
1) Download and install redis(not the same as the redis gem), then in terminal_window1 start redis:
$ ~/Downloads/redis-3.2.6/src$ ./redis-server
2) Install the sidekiq gem
(which will also install the redis gem
because it's a dependency):
$ gem install sidekiq
3) Start sidekiq in terminal_window2:
~/sinatra_projects/myproj$ sidekiq -r ./item_worker.rb
4) Launch the Sinatra app in terminal_window3:
~/sinatra_projects/myproj$ rackup config.ru
5) Send a post request to your app in terminal_window4:
$ curl --data "item_url=http://joe_blow.com" http://localhost:9292/item
Immediately, the curl window will display the output:
Thanks for the work
and the sidekiq window will display the output:
2016-12-28T02:34:59.149Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-b9190f121541d82f21483497 INFO: start
2016-12-28T02:34:59.149Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-b9190f121541d82f21483497 INFO: Things are happening
Five seconds later, the sidekiq window will display:
2016-12-28T02:35:04.153Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-b9190f121541d82f21483497 INFO: joe_blow.com took a really long time
2016-12-28T02:35:04.154Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-b9190f121541d82f21483497 INFO: done: 5.004 sec
And if you send three curl requests in rapid succession(up_arrow + Return):
$ curl --data "item_url=http://joe_blow.com" http://localhost:9292/item
Thanks for the work
$ curl --data "item_url=http://joe_blow.com" http://localhost:9292/item
Thanks for the work
$ curl --data "item_url=http://joe_blow.com" http://localhost:9292/item
Thanks for the work
then in the sideqik window you will see:
2016-12-28T02:38:01.218Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-3c8db3dc597789eefaf3d7e6 INFO: start
2016-12-28T02:38:01.218Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-3c8db3dc597789eefaf3d7e6 INFO: Things are happening
2016-12-28T02:38:01.983Z 12387 TID-oxt319uyc ItemWorker JID-d5a4f4fa5388b2fdb94b8549 INFO: start
2016-12-28T02:38:01.983Z 12387 TID-oxt319uyc ItemWorker JID-d5a4f4fa5388b2fdb94b8549 INFO: Things are happening
2016-12-28T02:38:02.602Z 12387 TID-oxt2y8eec ItemWorker JID-dd8b2ce2e558f5a88a1836fa INFO: start
2016-12-28T02:38:02.602Z 12387 TID-oxt2y8eec ItemWorker JID-dd8b2ce2e558f5a88a1836fa INFO: Things are happening
...time goes by...
2016-12-28T02:38:06.220Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-3c8db3dc597789eefaf3d7e6 INFO: joe_blow.com took a really long time
2016-12-28T02:38:06.220Z 12387 TID-oxt2yycrk ItemWorker JID-3c8db3dc597789eefaf3d7e6 INFO: done: 5.003 sec
2016-12-28T02:38:06.985Z 12387 TID-oxt319uyc ItemWorker JID-d5a4f4fa5388b2fdb94b8549 INFO: joe_blow.com took a really long time
2016-12-28T02:38:06.985Z 12387 TID-oxt319uyc ItemWorker JID-d5a4f4fa5388b2fdb94b8549 INFO: done: 5.002 sec
2016-12-28T02:38:07.603Z 12387 TID-oxt2y8eec ItemWorker JID-dd8b2ce2e558f5a88a1836fa INFO: joe_blow.com took a really long time
2016-12-28T02:38:07.603Z 12387 TID-oxt2y8eec ItemWorker JID-dd8b2ce2e558f5a88a1836fa INFO: done: 5.001 sec
Instead of taking a total of 15 seconds to run all three workers, after 5 seconds all three workers finished.