I want to sort my data by descending date, ie 27, 26 , 25 .... How to do this?
<tbody class="gradeX" ng-repeat="x in Profile | orderBy: x.created_datetime">
<td>{{x.job_title }}</td>
<td>{{x.created_datetime | date:'medium' }}</td>
<td>{{x.updated_datetime | date:'medium' }}</td>
<td>{{ x.total }}</td>
<td class="actions"> <a href="" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Show Invoice Details" ng-click="activeinvoicesCtrl.setCurrentJob(x)"><i class="fa fa-server fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> </td>
Add a string with the name of the property your are looking for. In case it is a nested property use the . to concat the string, like 'item.created_datetime'
<tbody class="gradeX" ng-repeat="x in Profile | orderBy: '-created_datetime'">