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How to extract DBPedia categories through DBPedia Spotlight?

I'm trying to extract the types and their respective levels from an entity named through DBPediaSpotlight. I already looked in forums, the documentation of the git hub and found nothing. I would like to know one way to do this extraction. Thank you!


  • Given that your desired root is <>, you're actually looking for the rdf:type tree (not Wikipedia Categories, as such).

    The typing of <> seems a bit odd, so I've used <> below. You'll note that the data does not always include a tree of the sort you wish.

    This will get explicit rdf:type statements --

    SELECT ?type
       { <> a ?type

    -- and this will climb to the top of any rdf:type trees --

    SELECT ?type
       { <> a+ ?type

    A query to build the full tree would be rather more complex, but is entirely possible.