Search code examples

Images not showing on Amp version

Images work on normal page but the amp-version the images doesn't show.

here is a HTML code of a picture, I use WordPress and upload via media library and insert:

<a href=";qid=1482529941&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=Pocket+Screwdriver&amp;linkCode=ll1&amp;tag=rasrf1-20&amp;linkId=a7cefc1156af5144695cf921ad1241c1"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-312" src="" alt="Stanley Review" width="256" height="192" /></a>


Is there a script I need to insert or something for it to work on amp?

Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.


  • Use amp-img instead of img for the amp version of your site.

    <a href="#">
        <amp-img src="" width="256" height="192" layout="responsive" alt="Stanley Review"></amp-img>