with eZ Publish, when given an ezContentObjectTreeNode object, how can I find its previous/next sibling? Is there a template operator? If not, is there a php method?
Here is a way, based on the children property of the node.
{foreach $node.parent.children as $k => $v}
{if eq($node.node_id, $v.node_id)}
{if gt($k, 0)}
{set $prev = $node.parent.children[$k|dec()]}
{if lt($k, $node.parent.children|count())}
{set $next = $node.parent.children[$k|inc()]}
You could also use a template fetch function. http://doc.ez.no/eZ-Publish/Technical-manual/3.6/Reference/Modules/content/Fetch-functions/list
I'm not sure if the first method will maintain sorting. However if you use the fetch function properly that certainly will.