I have this route and it's OK:
['controller' => 'Tours','action' => 'view'],
I want remove "/tour" , but it has Missing Controller error:
['controller' => 'Tours','action' => 'view'],
error page (in request: http://localhost/nextholiday/a_slug ):
what should I do?
I'm using the same route. But it only works when the route is before:
Example (inside of Router::scope('/'...):
['controller' => 'Articles', 'action' => 'view'],
'pass' => ['slug'],
'slug' => '[^\/]+' // Taken from your example
// ...
If you are doing all right, on DebugKit Routes you will see the routes (URI template) /:controller and /:controller/:action/* just below your /:slug. All other routes must be above of /:slug.
As mentioned, order matters. Missing Controller sometimes is shown if your Regex Pattern is wrong, on slug pattern I'm using "[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*".