I have an assignment to provision {{ create new hosts }} according to a given invonteroy file, example
[SET1] new_ip=
[SET2] new_ip=
[SET3] new_ip=
Here is the problem. The inventory file contains set of ip addresses that do not exists yet. What I want to do
- connect to vsphere host(5.5)
- create new machines based on amount of hosts in the inventory
- change the machines ip address to match the one in the given inventory
modules like
requires administrative permissions which I don't have. The only way to hack around this issue is to try and create an in memory or temporary inventory during provisioning task. Here is my role:
- vsphere_guest:
vcenter_hostname: {{ vcenter }}
validate_certs: no
username: "{{ vsphere.username }}"
password: "{{ vsphere.password }}"
guest: "{{ item }}"
from_template: yes
template_src: Centos_base
resource_pool: "/Resources"
datacenter: Remote
hostname: {{ esx_host }}
- "{{ play_hosts }}"
- name: wait for power on to finish
pause: seconds=5
- name: get facts from vm
validate_certs: False
vcenter_hostname: {{ vcenter }}
username: "{{ vsphere.username }}"
password: "{{ vsphere.password }}"
guest: "{{ item }}"
vmware_guest_facts: yes
- "{{ play_hosts }}"
register: vm_facts
until: vm_facts.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0] is defined
retries: 10
delay: 10
- name: grab new ipaddresses
set_fact: myIp="{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- name: Add production VMs to inventory
add_host: hostname={{item.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0] }} groups=temp
new_ip={{ myIp }}
with_items: "{{ vm_facts.results }}"
ignore_errors: yes
my question: is there any way to create a temp inventory with multiple groups and mutilple variables that matches the given inventory!?
update I hacked a way around it:
- name: Add production VMs to inventory
add_host: hostname={{item.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0] }} groups=temp
new_ip="{{ item.ansible_facts.hw_name }}"
with_items: "{{ vm_facts.results }}"
ignore_errors: yes
this works since the machine name is equal to {{ play_host }}