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How to remove spacing in ChartView?

Does anyone know how to remove this spacing?

enter image description here

Those lines below reduce them but not completely remove. 0
margins.bottom: 0
margins.left: 0
margins.right: 0

UPDATE I added some code. May be this could help to identify my problem. Originally those blank spaces where arrows are located are for legend and tick values. I quess without changing a source code I can do nothing.


import QtQuick 2.0
import QtCharts 2.1

ChartView {
    id: chartView

    animationOptions: ChartView.NoAnimation
    theme: ChartView.ChartThemeQt
    legend.visible: false 0
    margins.bottom: 0
    margins.left: 0
    margins.right: 0

    backgroundRoundness: 0

    property bool openGL: true
    onOpenGLChanged: {
        series("signal 1").useOpenGL = openGL;

    ValueAxis {
        id: axisY1
        min: -1
        max: 4
        labelsVisible: false
        tickCount: 3

        color: "transparent"

    ValueAxis {
        id: axisX
        min: 0
        max: 1024

        labelsVisible: false
        tickCount: 4

        color: "transparent"

    LineSeries {
        id: lineSeries1
        name: "signal 1"
        axisX: axisX
        axisY: axisY1
        useOpenGL: chartView.openGL
        color: "#44D77B"

    Timer {
        id: refreshTimer
        interval: 1 / 60 * 1000 // 60 Hz
        running: true
        repeat: true
        onTriggered: {

    function changeSeriesType(type) {

        // Create two new series of the correct type. Axis x is the same for both of the series,
        // but the series have their own y-axes to make it possible to control the y-offset
        // of the "signal sources".
        if (type == "line") {
            var series1 = chartView.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeLine, "signal 1",
                                                 axisX, axisY1);
            series1.useOpenGL = chartView.openGL
        } else {
            var series1 = chartView.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeScatter, "signal 1",
                                                 axisX, axisY1);
            series1.markerSize = 2;
            series1.borderColor = "transparent";
            series1.useOpenGL = chartView.openGL

    function createAxis(min, max) {
        // The following creates a ValueAxis object that can be then set as a x or y axis for a series
        return Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQuick 2.0; import QtCharts 2.0; ValueAxis { min: "
                                  + min + "; max: " + max + " }", chartView);

    function setAnimations(enabled) {
        if (enabled)
            chartView.animationOptions = ChartView.SeriesAnimations;
            chartView.animationOptions = ChartView.NoAnimation;

    function changeRefreshRate(rate) {
        refreshTimer.interval = 1 / Number(rate) * 1000;


The trick was to use clip and put the chartView into a rectangle.

Rectangle {
    id: canvas
        left: parent.left
        right: parent.right
    height: 250
    color: "#FFFFFF"
    z: propText.z - 1

    clip: true

    Rectangle {
        width: parent.width
        height: 40

        z: 1

        color: "#FFFFFF"

    GraphView{ //ChartView
        id: graphView
        isTimerRunnig: isRunning
        channelId: channelId

and ChartView aka GraphView

ChartView {
id: chartView

property alias channelId: dataSource.channelId
property alias isTimerRunnig: refreshTimer.running
property bool openGL: true

antialiasing: !openGL
legend.visible: false 0
margins.bottom: 0
margins.left: 0
margins.right: 0

x: -70
y: 20

width: 360
height: 262

backgroundRoundness: 0

onOpenGLChanged: {
    series("signal 1").useOpenGL = openGL;

DataSource {
    id: dataSource
    channelId: channelId
    isPaused: !isTimerRunnig

    onIsPausedChanged: {

ValueAxis {
    id: axisY

    //gridVisible: false
    labelsVisible: false
    tickCount: 3

    color: "transparent"

ValueAxis {
    id: axisX
    min: 0
    max: 100

    //gridVisible: false
    labelsVisible: false
    tickCount: 4

    color: "transparent"

LineSeries {
    id: lineSeries1
    name: "signal 1"
    axisX: axisX
    axisY: axisY
    useOpenGL: chartView.openGL
    color: "#44D77B"
    width: 2

Timer {
    id: refreshTimer
    interval: 1 / 25 * 1000 // 25 Hz
    running: isTimerRunnig
    repeat: true
    onTriggered: {
        dataSource.updateFromQML(chartView.series(0), chartView.axisY(chartView.series(0)))


  • Possible solution 1: QMargins property designates the minimum area around the plotting area. Try filling this remaining padding by adjusting the child (plot) itself.

    plotArea : rect The area on the ChartView that is used for drawing series. This is the ChartView rect without the margins.

    Possible solution 2: Try to redraw the parent layout after setting the margins. If you are adjusting the margins after the window is created, it may not necessarily refresh the view immediately.