So I have been trying to get a unwind segue to work from last two days. I have tried watching and follow several different tutorials and none was successful. I created the @IBAction override func unwind(for unwindSegue: UIStoryboardSegue, towardsViewController subsequentVC: UIViewController)
but this never performs any of the code. I put a simple print and had it print text, it never printed the text. I created that in the first View Controller then in the second View Controller I had a button that I connected to the Exit at the top of the View Controller and selected the unwind action and it never unwinds. What am I doing wrong or missing?
So here is what I have so far I have 2 views: RaceViewController & SingleStatViewController
I will start by selecting specified rows in RaceViewController and they will open SingleStatViewController modally. I have a button in SingleStatViewController called dismissBtn. When I click the button it dismisses SingleStatViewContoller. I just need it to pass some data back to the RaceViewController.
So if the user selects 1 of 3 cells in the table (the rows are Half-Orc, Half-Elf and Human) it will open SingleStatViewController and ask to select 1 stat (these will be of 6 buttons (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Chr) when they select the one of the buttons it will return the data and update the detailTextLabel.
I select Human then I select Str. When it gets back to RaceViewController and it updates the text in the detailTextLabel to +2 Str.
Right now, this is the code I am using to dismiss. Can I use this to continue or do I actually need to perform the unwind:
@IBAction func dismissbtn(_ sender: Any)
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
You need to perform unwind and send data as following:
@IBAction func unwindToRaceViewController(sender: UIStoryboardSegue)
if let sourceViewController = sender.sourceViewController
as? RaceViewController {
stat = sourceViewController.stat
You could refer to this article for unwind segues as alternative to delegate
You could also use delegates to pass data back to the previous controller.