I just a problem about DQL Function in Symfony2, i have code :
public function editAction(Request $request, $regkey){
$newpassword = $request->request->get('newpassword');
$confirmpassword = $request->request->get('confirmpassword');
$username = $request->request->get('username');
if ($newpassword != $confirmpassword){
return new JsonResponse(['userRegistration' => 'Confirm password is wrong, please make sure your confirm password']);
$userRegistrationId = $this->getDoctrineRepo(UserRegistration::class)->getIdbyRegisterKey($regkey);
if ($userRegistrationId == null){
return new JsonResponse(['userRegistration' => 'Registration key is wrong, Please make sure your registration']);
$userNameCorrect = $userRegistrationId[0]['user']['username'];
$userid = $userRegistrationId[0]['user']['id'];
if ($username != $userNameCorrect){
return new JsonResponse(['userRegistration' => 'user name is wrong, please insert user name correctly']);
$userEntity = $this->getDoctrineRepo(User::class)->find($userid);
$userEntity->setActivationDate(new \DateTime());
catch (Exception $ex){
return new JsonResponse(['errMsg' => $ex], 500);
return new JsonResponse(['userRegistration' => 'Validation user success']);
there is a $userRegistrationId, i want to delete that data, how can i code this problem ?
If you want to delete UserRegistration where you fetched into $userRegistrationId , you need to get object not id. You can use findOneBy() and use EntityManager for delete that object.