I want to get the recent last 1 email from inbox using IMAP in php. Please help me. I don't know how to get the last email from inbox. Please guide me with it. I will be thanks for your guideline.
Here is my code
// Connect to gmail
$hostname = '{imap.gmail.com:993/ssl/novalidate-cert}[Gmail]/All Mail';
$username = 'myemail@gmail.com';
$password = 'mypassword';
$keyword = 'Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently';
// try to connect
$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: ' . imap_last_error());
$emails = imap_search($inbox,'BODY "'.$keyword.'"', SE_FREE, "UTF-8");
$output = '';
foreach($emails as $mail) {
$headerInfo = imap_headerinfo($inbox,$mail);
$output .= $headerInfo->subject.'<br/>';
$output .= $headerInfo->toaddress.'<br/>';
$output .= $headerInfo->date.'<br/>';
$output .= $headerInfo->fromaddress.'<br/>';
$output .= $headerInfo->reply_toaddress.'<br/>';
$emailStructure = imap_fetchstructure($inbox,$mail);
if(!isset($emailStructure->parts)) {
$output .= imap_body($inbox, $mail, FT_PEEK).'<br/></br/><br/>';
} else {
echo $output;
$output = '';
Using the imap_search
function, there is no option to specify the number of entries that should be returned.
In your code, you are using
foreach($emails as $mail) {
The most simple solution here, would be only using the first element of the array, which would represent the most recent message meeting the search criteria.
$mail = $emails[0];
I guess the array is in reverse order, so get the last element instead of the first - using end
$mail = end($emails);