I'm using TinyDB in my python project. However, in order to make the logic effective, I need to be able to get multiple objects in a query. My preference would be to use a list
listOfIDs = ['123', '456']
I am using the latest Python version and TinyDB implementation.
I have the following implementation:
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query
db = TinyDB('db.json')
myDBQuery= Query()
db.insert({'id': '123', 'name': 'bob'})
db.insert({'id': '456', 'name': 'mary'})
result = db.search(myDBQuery.id.all(['123', '456']))
However, I keep getting the following as a result:
I know my implementation is working because when I do the following, I get the expected results:
result = db.search((myDBQuery.id == '123') | myDBQuery.id == '456'))
Anyone know how to query with a list in TinyDB?
Anyone know how to query with a list in TinyDB?
For those of you wondering, there isn't a way to do it with the current implementation. My only workaround is to create something like the following
def getAllObjectsMatchingId(listOfIds):
tempList = []
for idMember in tempList:
result = db.search(myDBQuery.id == idMember)
return tempList
returns true only if all the elements of the list match the query
might work instead
result = db.search(myDBQuery.id.any(['123', '456']))
EDIT FROM QUESTION OP: Please see my edit above