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Why is the Excel formula not formulating?

I'm creating a spreadsheet with EPPlus. I am trying to get a formula to calculate a sum of values with this code:

using (var totalOccurrencesCell = priceComplianceWorksheet.Cells[rowToPopulate, 2])
    totalOccurrencesCell.Style.Font.Size = DATA_FONT_SIZE;
    totalOccurrencesCell.Style.Numberformat.Format = NUMBER_FORMAT_THOUSANDS;
    if (rowToPopulate <= SUMMARY_HEADING_ROW + 1)
        totalOccurrencesCell.Value = "0";
        //totalOccurrencesCell.Formula = string.Format("SUM(B5:B{0})", rowToPopulate - 1);
        // TODO: Comment out or remove below after finding out why the above is not working
        totalOccurrencesCell.Formula = "SUM(B5:B19)";

What I would think is correct is being applied to that cell, as can be seen here, namely "=SUM(B5:B19)":

enter image description here

So why is "0" the result? The same is true for column C, and D is also catawamptuously chawed up for some reason, too.

This similar code does work elsewhere on the sheet:

using (var totalVarianceCell = priceComplianceWorksheet.Cells[rowToPopulate, DETAIL_TOTALVARIANCE_COL])
    totalVarianceCell.Style.Font.Size = DATA_FONT_SIZE;
    totalVarianceCell.Style.Numberformat.Format = NUMBER_FORMAT_CURRENCY;
    totalVarianceCell.Formula = string.Format("SUM(J{0}:J{1})", _firstDetailDataRow, rowToPopulate - 1);

It sums the value in the appropriate range of column J (10), and when clicking in the "sum" cell, it shows "=SUM(J23:J39)" as the value there.

Why would it work in one case, but fail in the others?

NOTE: I am populating the cells like so ("total" is an int):

totalOccurrencesCell.Value = total.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);


This is inelegant and a bit disappointing, but as of now, at least, I'm having to "brute force it" this way:

totalOccurrencesCell.Value = SumCellVals(2, 5, rowToPopulate - 1);
. . .
private string SumCellVals(int colNum, int firstRow, int lastRow)
    double runningTotal = 0.0;
    double currentVal;
    for (int i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; i++)
        using (var taterTotCell = priceComplianceWorksheet.Cells[i, colNum])
            currentVal = Convert.ToDouble(taterTotCell.Value);
            runningTotal = runningTotal + currentVal;
    return runningTotal.ToString();


  • The clue for the behavior is in this sentence in your question:

    NOTE: I am populating the cells like so ("total" is an int):

    totalOccurrencesCell.Value = total.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

    There is no need to convert numeric values to strings before you assign them to the Value property of a cell.

    I can reproduce what you see by running this MCVE:

    static void test4()
        var fs = new System.IO.FileInfo(@"c:\temp\test4.xlsx");
        if (fs.Exists) fs.Delete();
        using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(fs))
            ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["Test"];
            if (worksheet == null) worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Test");
            var WS = worksheet;
            WS.Workbook.CalcMode = ExcelCalcMode.Manual;
            // strings with .
            WS.Cells[1, 1].Value = "100.0";
            WS.Cells[2, 1].Value = "42.1";
            using (var sum = WS.Cells[3, 1])
                sum.Formula = "SUM(A1:A2)";
            // strings with ,
            WS.Cells[1, 2].Value = "100,0";
            WS.Cells[2, 2].Value = "42,1";
            using (var sum = WS.Cells[3, 2])
                sum.Formula = "SUM(B1:B2)";
            // strings with ,
            WS.Cells[1, 3].Value = "1,100";
            WS.Cells[2, 3].Value = "42";
            using (var sum = WS.Cells[3, 3])
                sum.Formula = "SUM(C1:C2)";
            // let EPPLUS handle it 
            WS.Cells[1, 4].Value = 100; // int
            WS.Cells[2, 4].Value = 42.1d; // double
            using (var sum = WS.Cells[3, 4])
                sum.Formula = "SUM(D1:D2)";

    This is what I get in my Excel sheet as result:

    result in excel

    You notice that some cell have the error indicators, but some don't. It is easy to be misled by this. This effect is influenced by the settings for the separators:

    separators in Excel Options

    In my testing however, column D always was calculated, no matter how I changed the thousands and decimal separator, the SUM was always calculated. Specially if you are converting to strings, using the currentculture isn't a guarantee this will work as the settings in Excel might have been oveeruled.

    tl;dr; don't convert numbers (int, doubles, float) to strings but assign them to the value of the cell as is. Both EPPLUS and Excel will handle the correct representation.