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ng-bind-html returning separate elements

How can I return these vars from my controller to use in my view as separate elements?

My controller.

.controller('AccountCtrl', function($scope, $sce) {
  $scope.sharelinks =function () {

    var myVar = x; //EDIT**

    var emailLink = '<a>Some info here (i use x)</a>'; //EDIT**

    var twitterLink = '<a>Some info here(i also use x)</a>'; //EDIT**

    var newMarkup = [emailLink,twitterLink];

    return $sce.trustAsHtml(newMarkup);


<div ng-bind-html="sharelinks[0]"></div>    
<div ng-bind-html="sharelinks[1]"></div>


  • Your sharelinks is a function, but used as an array. Try doing this:

    <div ng-bind-html="sharelinks()[0]"></div>    
    <div ng-bind-html="sharelinks()[1]"></div>

    Although I would just change it to something like:

    var emailLink = $sce.trustAsHtml('<a>Some info here</a>');
    var twitterLink = $sce.trustAsHtml('<a>Some info here</a>');
    $scope.sharelinks = [emailLink,twitterLink];

    And leave the view as it is.

    UPDATE: I've read your question once again. If you want to not use any arrays but just links straight, just put them on scope, like this:

    $scope.emailLink = $sce.trustAsHtml('<a>Some info here</a>');
    $scope.twitterLink = $sce.trustAsHtml('<a>Some info here</a>');

    And on the view:

    <div ng-bind-html="emailLink"></div>    
    <div ng-bind-html="twitterLink"></div>