I would like to send periodic pings to server to keep the connection alive.
This is the function to send ping
But I am not getting the pong back
func websocketDidReceivePong(socket: WebSocket){
wsConsole.text = wsConsole.text .stringByAppendingString("\n websocket received pong")
the above delegate will get fired when server sends back the pong.
I am able to successfully establish web socket connect send message and close connection and I have implemented and I have given socket.delegate=self
Here is the web socket url that I am using for testing purposes
I am wondering why I am not getting the pong back from web socket server.
Is your socket a property of your class to make sure it sticks around? If you allocate it just on a function stack it will fall out of scope and the delegates will never get called. Also the pongDelegate
is separate from the regular delegate, so you need to set that to self as well:
socket.pongDelegate = self