In one of my views I called a modal dialog like the:
let application = NSApplication.shared()
application.runModal(for: artistDialogWindow)
When the OK or Cancel button are pressed, I terminate the modal window like this:
let application = NSApplication.shared()
The view that called the dialog regains control. After it runs so code, it exits. On the screen, it appears that no window has focus. If I click on the title bar of my window, the red, orange, and green buttons on the left of the title bar go from gray to color. How can I do this programmatically?
I tried NSApplication.activate. It doesn't do anything. Presumably my app is already active. It just doesn't have focus. I also tried selecting a row in a table in the view. The row is selected, but the window is not.
You could try NSWindow's makeKey(). Or makeKeyAndOrderFront(_ sender: Any?). These activate the window.
For example, a niceWindow
has to be focused (you need a reference to the window that you want to bring focus to). Then do: