I created one big file all.xml
from all my call files with
echo '<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<!--File Created By Call Logs Backup & Restore v3.70 on 23/12/2016 03:02:21-->
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="calls.xsl"?>
<calls count="500">
for i in calls-*.xml; do head -n-1 "$i"|tail -n+5; done>>all.xml
echo "</calls>">>all.xml
Now I try to export a callist from this format into csv:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<!--File Created By Call Logs Backup & Restore v3.70 on 23/12/2016 03:02:21-->
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="calls.xsl"?>
<call number="+492345678" duration="0" date="1426694707547" type="3" readable_date="18.03.2015 17:05:07" contact_name="Someone" />
<call number="+492345679" duration="3" date="1426695646292" type="2" readable_date="18.03.2015 17:20:46" contact_name="Someone else" />
<call number="+492345670" duration="0" date="1426695687556" type="2" readable_date="18.03.2015 17:21:27" contact_name="Someone" />
I tried with xmlstarlet
xmlstarlet sel -B -t -m "//calls/call" -n -m "*" -v . -o , all.xml |less
but that just gives me an empty list, I guess, because there is no value in each call, but in the options of each call element.
I cannot find out with the help of the manuals, I found How do I get the options in a CSV?
A different approach to convert individual xml attributes to csv:
xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//calls/call" -v "concat(@number,',',@duration,',',@date,',',@type,',',@readable_date,',',@contact_name)" -n file.xml
+492345678,0,1426694707547,3,18.03.2015 17:05:07,Someone +492345679,3,1426695646292,2,18.03.2015 17:20:46,Someone else +492345670,0,1426695687556,2,18.03.2015 17:21:27,Someone