I'm having the same problem as this question . His problem is almost identical to mine. In fact, we're following the same tutorial. However, the answer that solved his problem didn't work for me. I opened up my project via .xcodeworkspace and I'm still getting the error "No such module 'SwiftyDropbox'".
Here's the code for the AppDelegate.swift
The info.plist
And the Pods
The Podfile
You need to install CocoaPods on your computer, if you haven't done so already. Here's what I'd do, based on this Ray Wenderlich Tutorial on Cocoapods.
==Begin One Time Setup Stuff==
Step 1, from Terminal (only if you haven't done so already):
Check if you've got cocoapods installed:
pod --version
If you've got it installed, proceed to Step 3. Otherwise, install CocoaPods as follows:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Step 2, from Terminal:
pod setup --verbose
==End One Time Setup Stuff==
Step 3, from Terminal:
cd ~/Path/To/Folder/Containing/YourProject
pod init
Step 4, from Terminal:
open -a Xcode Podfile
Step 5, from Xcode:
Add in a line for your CocoaPod underneath # Pods for GaethrExample
pod 'SwiftyDropbox'
Step 6, from Xcode:
Close Xcode
Step 7, from Terminal in the directory your project is located in. If you're unsure, type pwd
and it will give you the working directory you're in.
pod install
Nuke derived data and re-open your project as a WORKSPACE!. Clean caches and rebuild. You've just installed your first CocoaPod.