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How to display hidden characters in PhpStorm, especially line seperators

I got some special characters in my codes, take a look at:



It's just shown in frontend with normal characters like an "a". Now the same characters without any normal characters:

Characters starts here

Characters ends here

Ok it looks like this Editor will not save empty 
 , try it with snippet.


The problem is, in PhpStorm this characters wont be shown, even not with

"settings - Editor - General - Appearance - show whitespaces" or

"settings - Editor - General - Appearance - show method separators"

Only "strg+f, strg+r" will find this characters.

I think this character is an "only-mac-char" :) I'm working with Windows, and I can't test it on mac.

EDIT: Sorry i could identify it as "U+2028 : LINE SEPARATOR"

The big problem is that phpStorm didn't show anything in the code. Like there is no character, but moving with the arrow keys notice 2 steps at this position, between 2 tags looks like "><" but it's "> <".


  • Based on your update it is now clear what character you have in mind:

    Sorry I could identify it as "U+2028 : LINE SEPARATOR"

    Install and use Zero Width Characters locator 2 plugin: it can detect quite a few invisible characters (e.g. UTF-8 BOOM sequence, non-breakable space, Unicode line separator (your case) etc).

    It is implemented as a separate inspection with highest (Error) severity so will be easy to spot or check the whole folder/project just for these issues.

    There is a ticket (Feature Request) to have an option to show invisible characters in the editor. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress. implemented in 2020.2 version.

    Other related tickets:

    UPDATE 2021-11-10:
    As of 2020.2 version the IDE can show invisible/special symbols right in the editor.

    An example:
    enter image description here