I've upgraded my C++ project from VS 2010 to 2015 and have some problems compiling it. Method header looks like following:
void CCodeGenerator::GenerateCode(const MachineExArray & AMachineExArray,
const MachineArrays & AMachineArrays,
std::ofstream & HeaderFile,
std::ofstream & SourceFile)
There's a line:
std::string HeaderDefine = path(OutputFilename).filename().generic_string();
for (std::string::iterator Iter = HeaderDefine.begin(); Iter != HeaderDefine.end(); Iter++)
*Iter = toupper((unsigned char)*Iter);
HeaderDefine = "__" + HeaderDefine + "_H__";
HeaderFile << "#ifndef " << HeaderDefine << "\n"; // <-- This one
Compiler stops here and says:
No operator "<<" matches these operands. Operand types are: std::ofstream << const char[9]
I wrote in C++ long ago, but from what I remember, std::ofstream
is quite liberal and should accept most of simple types as input. Where's the problem?
When, at the beginning I write HeaderFile.
, It is immediately marked as error (red underline) and comment says, "Incomplete types are not allowed".
An observation on the
"Incomplete types are not allowed"
. error.
#include <ostream>
int main()
std::ofstream HeaderFile;
gives this error too, while this
#include <fstream>
int main()
std::ofstream HeaderFile;
compiles in VS2015.