on pymc version '2.3.6' in Python 3.5
I am trying to suppress the progress update given when running the MCMC:
observation = pymc.Poisson('obs', lambda_, value= count_data, observed= True)
model = pymc.Model([observation, lambda_1, lambda_2, kappa])
mcmc = pymc.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(20000, 1000, 1)
Any idea how i could do this? Thanks!
it seems that the value for verbose
that does that is -1
. I would use the following more explicit syntax:
mcmc.sample(iter=20000, lenght=1000, verbose=-1)
mcmc.sample(iter=20000, lenght=1000, progress_bar=0)
PS: you can look yourself in the source code of installation_directory/pymc/MCMC.py
The installation directory can be found using: