I'm trying to build a slider embedded in a progress bar, so that slider's minimum image settles with the progress bar 'progress image' and the user can slide only inside the 'progress track image'.
Something like image below:
As in the image,
I hav tried to set the
of slider programatically as below:
override func trackRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
// keeps original origin and width, changes height, you get the idea
let customBounds = CGRectMake(7, 0, 180, 15)
return customBounds
Is this a correct way to do this task, please suggest me something. I'm stuck here, and not in the right track.. if I'm not clear about anything please let me know...Any process are appreciated as long as within swift.
I was stuck because of the logic to implement this. Finally I got an way to set the progress bar and slider with the percentage i.e multiplier.
And finally, The red icon is minimum value image for slider which sticks to the progress-bar trailing margin, (programmatically constraints).
Or, via Storyboard You could just position it to the view in-between first(i.e. ProgressView) and second(i.e. SliderView) view.
So, the UISlider will get its position from 100% of the view width - % covered by the progress-bar
EDIT: - I may provide the code sample, if required.. just let me know. :) Happy Coding: )